Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My First Completed Book!

I wanted to make a few more books before I posted them on here, but I've recently come down with a less than comfortable sickness that is deterring me from doing much of anything other than the every day necessities. I made this book for my dear friend Wayne who has had faith in me and my art from the very beginning. He purchased me the blender I will be using to make my own handmade paper. So I wanted to at least post SOMETHING up here since I haven't posted anything since my initial post. With out further adeu I present my very first book! :) Enjoy...

The paper inside is store bought card stock. I figured that since Wayne is practicing with watercolors I thought it was an appropriate weight of paper. My birthday is coming up soon, so I am hoping that I get the sized frames I want so that I can start making my books. I hope to make them so I can start selling them. I look at the books at Barnes and Noble and see that they are largely over priced so I hope to see my handmade books sell just as well as there's if not better! Wish me luck and enjoy. There is more to come!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

On the road again

I am the author of AnarchyArtStudio.blogspot.com but unfortunately, I lost my password and other information to access that site during the many times that I have moved from place to place. So I will be starting it up again here and hopefully be more attentive to it. I have been making some big changes in my life. The first ones starting with a new religion, well, to be quite honest, any religion. I didn't really have one before. So I found something bigger than me to have faith in, and as a result getting a little faith back in myself. So here I am again, and I will be posting my new books as I make them, perhaps tutorials down the road and a monthly assignment from Michele Ward at http://michelleward.typepad.com/how_cool_is_that/. I am really exited and eager to get started on this path. I will be periodically adding little notes and tidbits about what is happening in my actual life, but I wouldn't want to bore you too much. :) So best wishes to all and happy crafting!